Greater Motherhood

Lord, Zoom Me Out

My friend needed prayer. We sat together and she unloaded it all. She shared details of frequent hurtful words spoken about her loved one and the pain they caused. So much heartache, confusion, and now an injured family relationship. And when I asked to pray for her, these words came…

Lord, zoom her out. She’s living this current battle, so up-close. She’s experiencing the raw emotions. She’s zoomed into the pain and needs you to intervene. You, God, have the great privilege of having the zoomed-out perspective. Would you, Lord, give her even a glimpse of your perspective? Would you help her trust you as you adjust her lens? Give her faith to trust even when she doesn’t see your rescue plan.

It was easy to pray this prayer for my friend because I had recently prayed it for myself. I was only seeing my up-close problem and having a little pity party. I asked God for a new fresh lens to see my struggle and he answered. He allowed me to recall this verse found in 2 Corinthians 4:17-18: For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.

Grown and Flown

My husband and I recently drove eleven hours to drop off our daughter to start college in Florida. As we hugged and said our goodbyes and prayed together, I felt peace, knowing she was in the right place. But as we drove home, right in front of me was a wall of sadness, the ending of a huge chapter. Motherhood seemed to be ending. Both girls were out of the home in different states, and I was now an “empty nester.” Would she get homesick being so far away? Would she remember to wear sunscreen in the Florida sun? Being a mom was my greatest joy, how could anything else ever compare? What was my new purpose? I had more questions than answers and I knew my soul obviously needed to rest and process this huge life change.

A Timely Reminder

A friend shared something she heard that helped me change my perspective – rather than seeing myself as an empty-nester, what if I started seeing myself as a bird-launcher? My second and last birdie flew the nest and with a zoomed-out perspective, I could see the beauty in it. I could see how God’s plans involve letting go and releasing my children to my capable and creative God. Motherhood wasn’t ending, but my role was just changing.

Adjust Your Focus

What obstacle, heartache, or trial are you facing that is causing you to lose sight of God’s bigger plan? Our troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory. Our troubles are refining our faith. Our troubles will be used for good.

Whisper a prayer to the One who can help you zoom out your perspective. Ask Him how to help you not fear what you see with your earthly eyes, but to have eternal vision with eyes focused on God’s greater plan of salvation and eternity.

Let’s Pray

Heavenly Father,

You are faithful. You have a perfect plan. Lord, zoom me out. Give me eyes to see my current battle from a different perspective. God, give me your eyes to see a more eternal perspective instead of the one right in front of my face. I stand on your promise that all things work together for good {to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose}. As I face daily trials Lord, fix my eyes on what is unseen, as I learn to trust your daily guidance and direction.

In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.